All members who have been fully subscribed for the three months prior to the Branch's Annual General Meeting are eligible to attend and vote.
- Chairman: Mr. Ashley Perraton-Williams [1/3]
- Deputy Chairman (Political): Cllr. Mrs. Gillian Bardsley [1/3]
- Deputy Chairman (Membership & Fundraising): Ms Victoria Woodward [1/3]
- Treasurer: Cllr. Mrs. Sheila Bibb [1/3]
- Secretary: Mrs. Clio Perraton-Williams [1/3]
- Mr. Howard Ligg
- Cllr. Mrs. Jessie Milne
Hard copies of paperwork will be available at the meeting. Branch Members should e-mail the Association Office if they would like a copy of the previous meeting's minutes or the accounts in advance of the meeting electronically.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at Pyrus Studios, Spital Terrace, Gainsborough, DN21 2HE.
Nominations papers are available in the 'Attachments' section below. The deadline for the submission of Nominations is Wednesday, 8th March 2017. Paper may be returned either to the branch's Secretary (Deputy Returning Officer) or to the Association Secretary who acts in the capacity of Returning Officer for all branch elections.