Conservative-led West Lindsey District Council has been described as representing good value for money according to an annual audit into its financial accounts.
The 2014/2015 audit was undertaken by independent auditors KPMG, to assess the council on its financial statements.
As a result it says the council represents value for money, which means they are satisfied that the authority has proper arrangements for securing financial resilience and challenging how it secures economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
In addition an unqualified audit opinion confirms the council as complied with proper accounting practices and their statement represents a true and fair view of their financial standing.
The council has delivered £0.787m of savings in 2014/15 with a further £1.547 million planned for 2015 /16.
Cllr Giles McNeill, Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee, praised staff for the success of the agile working project which enabled the council to rent out surplus office space. He said:
“In partnership with other public and third sector organisations we have created a customer service hub within the Guildhall. This has resulted in cost saving for all partners and has provided a one stop shop for customers.
“In a period of austerity, the council’s finances are sound and sustainable. This position should support the council in delivering the aims of its corporate plan and responding to the on-going public sector reforms and reductions in central government funding and other income streams.”
As well as making financial savings, the council has helped with the following:
- Supported the delivery of 109,829 hours of volunteering across the community in addition to generating £1.426m investment in the district by supporting local communities
- Brought 63 long term empty properties back into use and made a financial contribution the construction of youth accommodation within Gainsborough
- Launched the Gainsborough growth fund a grant funding scheme to support local business to expand or relocate within the area
A full copy of the statement of accounts and annual governance statement will be available to view on the council’s website at the end of the month.