The delivery of new homes and jobs for Central Lincolnshire up to 2031 will be provided for through a new single “Local Plan”.
Since work started on the Core Strategy for Central Lincolnshire in 2010, the government has changed its preference for plan-making by local authorities, from a plan containing a number of separate documents to one single Local Plan document.
The Central Lincolnshire Partnership Authorities of West Lindsey, North Kesteven District Councils, and the City of Lincoln Council, supported by Lincolnshire County Council have been preparing a Core Strategy and a separate Allocations Plan for the area.
The Core Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination on 21st October 2013.
The Government’s inspector appointed to examine the Core Strategy has identified concerns about this two part plan approach.
In response to these concerns planning officers are recommended to the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee, which met today, January 6, that the Core Strategy be withdrawn and the authorities combine the work already undertaken into a single Local Plan.
Councillor Ric Metcalfe, Leader of Lincoln City Council, the Chairman of the Joint Strategic Planning Committee said: “Earlier advice received from the Planning Inspectorate indicated that a two part approach was acceptable, but the inspector appointed to examine our plan has taken a different view in the light of emerging Government policy, and we are bound by this view.
“Our over-riding priority now is to get a sound and legally compliant Local Plan to secure the planned, well managed and sustainable growth Central Lincolnshire needs, and to make sure that our communities’ needs are met throughout the process. This is a real opportunity for us to re-engage with our communities to secure a great future for Central Lincolnshire.”
Councillor Jeff Summers, Leader of West Lindsey District Council, said he sees this as “an opportunity to rethink the way we engage with our local communities through our plan making. We should ensure that local communities are given clear information about what the options are for each settlement’s growth and allow sufficient time for them to have a good debate before some difficult decisions have to be made by the Joint Strategic Planning Committee.”
Councillor Marion Brighton, Leader of North Kesteven District Council, stated that she is “keen to see deliverable plans put in place for the homes and jobs needed for future generations but also to ensure that local communities are protected from inappropriate development.
“More than ever, there is a need for the four authorities to work closely together and to secure a comprehensive and fully compliant Local Plan by 2016.”
Councillor Colin Davie of Lincolnshire County Council is “pleased to see that this change to a single Local Plan will not result in any delay in the time when Central Lincolnshire will have a fully up to date development plan looking forward to 2031.
“The Allocations Plan was due to be adopted by 2016 and the new single Local Plan can also be prepared and adopted by then.”