West Lindsey District Council's Conservatives have welcomed a detailed blueprint that will shape the futures of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey and guide their growth up until 2036, that has been adopted by the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee.
The joint Central Lincolnshire Local Plan for the three areas was submitted by the committee for public examination by independent inspectors appointed by the Government last summer.
Following a month of hearings last December, the committee was advised that, subject to a few agreed modifications, it was ready to be adopted and put into action.
The plan provides a strategic framework to prepare for an increasing population by allocating sites for housing development, employment development and planning for roads, schools and other infrastructure needed to support this growth. It also has a role in protecting the precious built and natural environments. It is the principal document against which planning applications will be tested for suitability across the area.
It seeks to manage inclusive growth across Central Lincolnshire while conserving landscape and heritage assets and supporting all of its communities including our magnificent city and the area’s many towns and villages. This will make it an even better place to:
- Live – with homes people can afford, located in the right places, with easier access to shops, services and facilities
- Work – new sites for employment, where new facilities and infrastructure mean that businesses choose to expand or relocate to Central Lincolnshire, bringing jobs and added investment
- Visit – valuing and conserving built and natural assets, where people come to enjoy nature, history, shops, restaurants and attractions, while at the same time significantly contributing to our economy
The committee approved the plan at its meeting on Monday, 24th April and welcomed its adoption as a great deal of hard work had gone into its formulation to provide a much-needed framework for future development.
West Lindsey District Council's Conservative Group pledged to:
"Continue to work in partnership with the other local authorities within the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee
"Ensure the adoption of the Local Plan in a timely fashion and reflects the needs and aspirations of the people of West Lindsey"
Both pledges from the manifesto have been delivered with the adoption of the plan.