New figures show that 2,384 incidents were monitored across the district on council owned CCTV cameras last year. West Lindsey District Council, also completed a total of 242 reviews for the police, to provide evidential footage and support criminal prosecutions.
Cllr Angela Lawrence (Conservative, Caistor & Yarborough), member champion for safeguarding at the council, explained the council’s CCTV Camera’s play a key role in deterring crime. She said:
“Our CCTV Camera’s provides monitored public space in locations across West Lindsey. They are used in a number of ways to prevent and detect incidents of crime, public disorder, anti-social behaviour, theft and more.
We regularly support police and our partners when searching for missing people including those who may be vulnerable.
In addition we work closely with shops, as part of our Shop Watch Scheme, which monitored 765 incidents in the same year.
We use the latest CCTV technology to deliver high quality surveillance that keeps people, property and our communities safe.”
Other figures showed:
468 incidents were detected by CCTV operators patrolling with the cameras
992 incidents were monitored by CCTV when someone called the police
Grant White, Enterprising Communities Manager at the council said:
“Our Control Centre monitors and records all footage from our camera network and has direct communication links to the police and other agencies.